較早出現近視意味著近視加深的時間拉長,而且越年幼的孩子近視加深速度往往越快, 所以七歲以下的近視兒童發展成高度近視的風險更大。4
佩戴蔡司近視控制鏡片時,孩子仍可盡情閱讀、戶外玩耍、做運動等等。這種眼鏡雖然設計複雜,但外觀如同普通眼鏡一樣,並提供高達 400 nm 的全面紫外線防護。
蔡司 MyoCare 鏡片是我們的最新近視控制創新成果,結合了經過研究驗證的科學原理、實證知識和有效的治療方式。
蔡司 MyoCare 和 MyoCare S 鏡片採用同心圓環鏡片設計(C.A.R.E.),可減緩眼軸增長,同時帶來良好舒適的視力。MyoCare 鏡片設計將兒童對眼鏡鏡片的不同適應能力納入考量,尤其是對於不同年齡段的孩子。6
近視人士可以清晰地看見近處的物體,但看遠處的物體是模糊的。所以我們亦稱近視為短視眼或近視眼。近視以屈光度來衡量,用負號(-)表示。輕度近視屈光度在 -0.25 到 -2.00 之間,中度近視屈光度在 -2.25 到 -5.00 之間。屈光度低於 -5.00 歸類為高度近視,表明遠距離視力非常差。
Williams KM, Verhoeven VJ, Cumberland P, et al. Prevalence of refractive error in Europe: the European Eye Epidemiology (E(3)) Consortium. Eur J Epidemiol. 2015;30(4):305-315. doi:10.1007/s10654-015-0010-0.
Morgan IG, He M, Rose KA. Epidemic of pathologic myopia: What Can Laboratory Studies and Epidemiology Tell Us? Retina. 2017;37(5):989-997. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001272
Sankaridurg P, Tahhan N, Kandel H, Naduvilath T, Zou H, Frick KD, Marmamula S, Friedman DS, Lamoureux E, Keeffe J, Walline JJ, Fricke TR, Kovai V, Resnikoff S. IMI Impact of Myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Apr 28;62(5):2.
Sankaridurg PR, Holden BA. Practical applications to modify and control the development of ametropia. Eye (Lond). 2014 Feb;28(2):134-41. doi: 10.1038/eye.2013.255.
Morgan IG, Wu PC, Ostrin LA, Tideman JWL, Yam JC, Lan W, Baraas RC, He X, Sankaridurg P, Saw SM, French AN, Rose KA, Guggenheim JA. IMI Risk Factors for Myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021;62(5):3. Németh J, Tapasztó B, Aclimandos WA, et al. Update and guidance on management of myopia. European Society of Ophthalmology in cooperation with International Myopia Institute. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021;31(3):853-883.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University owns granted patents (including Chinese patent: CN103097940) on annular concentric lens for myopia control, which are licensed to Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss started in 2021 to develop in collaboration with Wenzhou Medical University the latest cylindrical annular refractive elements technology for spectacle lenses that is used in MyoCare lens designs.
Alvarez-Peregrina C., et al. (2024, April 12-14). Vision, confort y tiempo de adaptacion a un nuevo diseno de lente oftalmica para el control de miopia [Conference presentation abstract]. OPTOM 2024, Madrid, Spain.
Ohlendorf, A., et al. (2024, May 5-9). Myopia control efficacy through Emmetropic Progression Ratio:1-year of spectacle wear with cylindrical annular refractive elements (CARE) [Conference presentation abstract]. The Association for Research in Vision and OpthalmologyOphthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States. EPR for ages 7-12 year old children as sample size for ages 6 and 13 was small. When the entire sample of 6 to 13 years were considered, EPR for ZEISS MyoCare was 71%.
Gwiazda JE, Hyman L, Norton TT, et al. Accommodation and related risk factors associated with myopia progression and their interaction with treatment in COMET children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2004;45:2143–2151.
Acceptance wearer trial aims the determination and confirmation of the acceptance, satisfaction level and adaptation to ZEISS MyoKids spectacle lens design by wearers in the target group (myopic children), n=252 myopic children, supervised by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong and Sun Yat-Sen University Vision Department of Eye Health, Guangzhou, China, 2017.
Schilling T, Ohlendorf A, Varnas SR, Wahl S. Peripheral design of progressive addition lenses and the lag of 57 accommodation in myopes. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017; 58:3319–3324. DOI:10.1167/ iovs.17-21589