蔡司PhotoFusion X鏡片
PhotoFusion® X 不僅僅是產品升級。我們讓光致變色重新演繹,採用全新鏡片物料、更快速的變色化合物和速度優化的矩陣結構。
蔡司為何開發了PhotoFusion® X鏡片? 可以滿足顧客的日常使用需求。


蔡司PhotoFusion的反應快速,是許多視光護理專業人士的首選。隨著需求增加,蔡司現在隆重推出蔡司PhotoFusion X,將光致變色鏡片推升到全新境界。

性能更臻完美: 速度 X 顏色深度 X 透明清澈 X 防護。
蔡司PhotoFusion X不僅僅是產品升級, 也讓光致變色重新演繹,是全新發明的產品。產品性能更臻完美——從而加速你的業務成長。
蔡司PhotoFusion X鏡片已獲得客戶認可的滿意度。
Testing by independent laboratory in USA, 2021 according to requirement in ISO 8980-3. Based on the average speed (%T/min) of fade-back from fully activated state to 80%T at 23°C in grey 1.50 index (CR607) HC only form. Compared to a well-known photochromic brand’s latest generation in 1.5 grey.
Vision Council of America study Vision Council of America, UV Eye Protection 2018.
Consumer preference test with N= 100 spectacle lens wearers in Germany in September 2020 by external market research institute (subjective visual assessment on white background illuminated with typical indoor LED Lighting.
Eyeglass wearer studies in Germany (n=151 clear lens wearers) in 2021 (external research institute) and 2012 (external research partner).
Photochromic lens wearer study in the UK (n=232) in 2021 (external institute). -
than the previous generation of ZEISS PhotoFusion.
Testing by independent laboratory in USA, 2021 according to requirement in ISO 8980-3. Based on the average speed (%T/min) of fade-back from fully activated state to 80%T at 23°C in grey 1.60 index and Polycarbonate HC only form.
Analysis by Technology and Innovation, Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, DE 2021 in accordance with ISO 8980-3. Based on the average speed (%T/min) of activation from clear state to 30%T at 23°C in grey 1.60 index and polycarbonate in HC only form.
Analysis by Technology and Innovation, Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, DE 2021 in accordance to ISO 8980-3. Based on the activated state Transmittance of PFX and PF at 23°C in 1.5 grey, brown, pioneer and blue HC form.
Analyses by Technology and Innovation, Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, DE 2021 for 1.6 grey and brown with DV Platinum.
Analysis by Technology and Innovation, Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, DE 2021. Based on Blue Violet Block (BVB) metric that quantifies the amount of light 400-455nm blocked by PFX Extra Grey 1.6 HC form.
Consumer preference test with N= 101 spectacle lens wearers in Germany in September 2021 by external market research institute (subjective visual assessment of lenses index 1.6 grey with AR coating, activated by artificial UV light source).
US patents 5,910,516; 6,723,859; 7,521,004; other patents pending.